Assistive Technology



M.A. Hersh and M.A. Johnson (2008). Assistive Technology for Visually Impaired and Blind People, Springer Verlag, 978-1-84628-866-1.

M.A. Hersh and M.A. Johnson (2003). Assistive Technology for the Hearing Impaired, Deaf and Deafblind, Springer Verlag, 2003, ISBN 1-85233-382-0.


M.A. Hersh (2006). Mathematical Modelling for Sustainable Development, Springer Verlag, ISBN 3-540-24216-3.


Journal Papers


 M.A. Hersh and M.A. Johnson (2008). On modelling assistive technology systems part I:  modelling framework,  Technology and Disability, vol. 20, no. 3. pp. 193-215.

M.A. Hersh and M.A. Johnson (2008). On modelling assistive technology systems part II:  Applications of the comprehensive assistive technology model, Technology and Disability, vol. 20, pp. 251-270


M.A. Hersh, J. Ohene-Djan and S. Navqi (2010), Road safety and deaf people:  recommendations for good practice, Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community, to appear.


J. Ohene-Djan, M.A. Hersh and S. Navqi (2010), Road safety and deaf people:  the role of the police, Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community, to appear.



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